Hell's Kitchen (US)

I really have no horse in this game so far.

I think I actually like Anthony and would not be sad if he won.

I’m was surprised Chef axed the girl from Hawaii for being put up twice by her team when Egypt has been put up 452456 times by his team. How does her being put up twice for elimination mean she can’t lead when Egypt has been put up so many more times?

Also, why am I trying to find logic in this show, lol.

I know, right! That was some bullshit. He usually loves to keep the hated ones around.

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Okay, so I finally started to root for another person (Anthony) and he too gets eliminated?! Jesus, I can’t catch a break, lol.

I now have no more horse in this race.

It’s hard to watch a competition when there is no one you would like to see win.

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Another same/same episode.

Whose idea was it to watch this in real-time instead of binging? Oh, right.

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The NY trip looked nice. I thought they were going to get to jump but no; although, just hanging over the edge can be exhilarating.

lol at Lulu’s exit. That’s something I’d do.

The trip was actually a great reward. No way I would be climbing up that skyscraper, let alone hanging off of it, lol.

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I was surprised to see Joe eliminated. I feel there are much worst chefs who should have gone before him.

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I caught up this morning; somehow I had missed 2 eps.

I don’t really like any of these chefs and worse I don’t really dislike any of these chefs. Everybody is so meh.

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I’ve binged this season in fits and starts so far and have already forgotten most of what happened earlier in the season (stupid hiatus) so don’t have too much to say but I’ll join in with the weekly watch from now on.

Of the remaining chefs I like Brandon & Hannah the most. I think the best chefs left are Brandon, Hannah, Whitney & Kyle. I was glad that Anne-Marie went, she was lucky to get as far as she did imo. I predict Amanda & Egypt will be the next two to be eliminated.


None of the final three contestants where who I was rooting for when the season started. That being said, I would be fine with either Egypt or Hannah winning. But I`m not feeling Kyle. Whit was a jerk the way she was just going to walk out and not thank Gordon.

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Proving Gordon’s point about her temper but at least she came back and apologized after he reminded her to have some manners.

How many more episodes in this season?

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I think there one or two left. I don’t even know anymore, lol.

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I can’t believe Kyle did so well and made it into the finale. I was hoping for Egypt to make the final instead.

Oh well, go Hannah!

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He grew on you, huh.

There’s not even any fun to be had in the brigade picks.

I’m with you here. Kyle wore thin on me.

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Well, I mean, considering everyone I was rooting for either quit or was eliminated, I didn’t have many options left, lol. And Egypt appears to have mellowed out since the premier.

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