TikTok - Let's Go Viral

Talk about, recommend & share TikTok stuff in here.

Great minds! I was thinking of making a similar topic. My big problem was deciding between more "unknowns " (no blue check) or just overall faves. So here are a few (or more) of each.

“Unknowns” (no blue check)

  • Adam: I love his transitions set to music, and he also has 2 other threads? topics? of handfeeding wild chipmunks, and one of his cat. Here is an example of the transitions I’m talking about.
  • DollarTreeDinners - it’s just what it sounds like - she makes dinners and meal plans with groceries bought from Dollar Tree (sometimes from Dollar General or Walmart) - the emphasis on budget meals. Here she is shopping for a $20 Mother’s Day brunch, and here is the preparing of that brunch.
  • GymJim… for the… uh… “workouts” :stuck_out_tongue:


  • Girl With The Dogs - dog groomer
  • Adventures in Aardia - makes sandwiches based on the roll of many D&D dice (one for each component) and tastes and rates them. It’s much more entertaining than it sounds.
  • Catluminati - this guys walks his neighborhood and cats come out to say Hi and greet him
  • B Dylan Hollis - comedy as he makes recipes from old cookbooks

There is a guy who does funny photoshop stuff when his wife calls to ask how the kids are ok.

Not sure if this thread is specific to TikTok only. The above is instagram.

So many edits because linking is hard.


That’s quite a… workout.

Flirty Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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Right? :stuck_out_tongue: