Black Sails

A pirate adventure that centers on the tales of Captain Flint and his pirates as they hunt treasure and fight for the survival of New Providence Island.

I read that this is a “prestige” tv show and apparently it is very well-made. It’s on my list to watch someday.

Make it tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue: Because tomorrow, I’m starting my 1st watch & @TrixR4Kids is starting a rewatch and @BunnyCarlos just finished a rewatch and is excited to talk about it.

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Haha, that could be good to help me through the wait for the second half of bridgerton! :smile: Maybe I can do it, I have been watching “It’s always sunny in philadelphia” lately but to be honest, it’s a very hit or miss show.

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I just finished S1E1.

Here’s what I’ve got so far:

Capt Flint is both affable and dangerous; while Capt Vane is just dangerous. Vane may even be a sociopath as well but I can’t really tell without more backstory. John Silver is still wet behind the ears and better hope he doesn’t get caught.. Rackham is a weasel and not to be trusted. Bonny is crazy but I believe she can be trusted if you understand her crazy.

Who is the guy with glasses doing the books? I would have thought he was the quartermaster but that’s Gates (the bald man with the tattoo on his head). Also? Does that tattoo have a significant meaning amongst pirates?

I had to turn to google to get some of the meanings, like boatswain. I always like it when a show that contains death and mayhem also teaches me about a specific career.

Spoilers for Ep 1:

The 1st act of piracy gets underway from the jump. As the attack is in progress we hear a pirate’s war cry and see his teeth. They are filed to points. Later, after the attack is over this same pirate jumps out and tries to scare Gates. Gates (not scared in the least) tells him to grow up. At this point, the pirate takes out his fake teeth. lolololol. I’m gonna like this show.

I really enjoy the Flint & Gates relationship.

The notion that pirates vote is amusing to me.

I was all, OOOOH Blackbeard. Then I was, Oh. Sigh.

So here’s my question, if you know for sure, don’t answer me please. Does Flint really believe that Singleton stole the page and framed him (Singleton) because he (Flint) had no proof? Or does Flint know it wasn’t Singleton and just went with it anyway?

And taking a gamble with B. Bones was inspired and reckless. I’m looking forward to seeing if this personality trait will bite him in the ass or if the show is going to let him always win the “bet”.

Are Max and Eleanor a couple or was Max just looking out for her pimp like a good prostitute? Actually, I just assumed she worked in Eleanor’s establishment. if she doesn’t please let me know.

What’s the deal between Flint & Eleanor? Don’t tell me, it’s a rhetorical question.

I’m not sure what good kidnapping Mr. Guthrie is going to do. Why not just kill him and dump him in the ocean, which is what I thought they were going to do?

One more question, I do want an answer to: was the pirate with the fake teeth the same one that came and told Gates that his leader had been killed by Vane?

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This first episode just reminds me how much Gates is working hard for those 8 fucking dollars. He’s managing up, down, left, right, and sideways. Masterclass in leadership. It would be flawless if he wasn’t working with a bunch of psychotics.

I loved Eleanor in this episode. She’s young and a woman, but she knows her way around this world and everyone knows she’s the one actually running things, not her dad. But I end up hating her not long after this, so I’ll just embrace enjoying the possibilities of her character in this short-term before it all starts going downhill.

Are Max and Eleanor a couple or was Max just looking out for her pimp like a good prostitute? Actually, I just assumed she worked in Eleanor’s establishment. if she doesn’t please let me know.

They’re couple-ish. I don’t believe the brothel itself is owned/run by the Guthrie’s, although the building probably is, which is just next door.

I’m not sure what good kidnapping Mr. Guthrie is going to do. Why not just kill him and dump him in the ocean, which is what I thought they were going to do?

They can’t kill Guthrie and they can’t let him get arrested. He’s the face of Nassau piratism (if that’s a word). Despite poopooing the law and rules and order, they need his legitimacy in order to move their stolen goods. The colonists are too damn boughie to interact with the pirates directly and they want to be able to get a deal without acknowledging how or why the prices are so low. Flint knows this AND needs him alive to try to help piece this schedule together. Guthrie going “missing” for a few days is beneficial all around. Plus he lives on another island, not Nassau, which will give Flint a some time before folks really start freaking out.

One more question, I do want an answer to: was the pirate with the fake teeth the same one that came and told Gates that his leader had been killed by Vane?

Yes, I believe that’s him.


Sorry, I haven’t been able to start again yet, so all the episodes are jumbled up and I don’t want to post any spoilers. Because the less you know going in with this show, the better.

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I started watching the show (second attempt-I tried a few years ago) and just couldn’t take it. The French(?) prostitute’s accent is hilariously bad and so unbelievable. She made my ears bleed. The gratuitous violence and sex were a waste of air time. Watched two episodes and had to stop. Life is too short.

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I am done. @BunnyCarlos gets all the prizes for her recommendation.

ETA: I’ll be back later with more detailed thoughts.

With all the seasons??

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Damn girl, lol. It totally is a binge watch show though, soooo good.

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Yes. That’s why it’s gonna take a bit for me to get my thoughts together.

And here I was restraining myself from blowing through it! :joy:

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1st things 1st. The majority of my post re: E1 was proven wrong in E2. lol

Overall: I can’t think of another show that makes every side seem reasonable and right. You root for every faction even when they are in direct conflict.

The storm scene in S3 is scarier that most horror movies.

Spoilers For All Seasons

The only people I actively disliked be the end was Eleanor, Dufresne, Hornigold & Billy Bones in that order.

I wished for Eleanor’s death so many times at the hands of a few people but I wish she hadn’t died the way she did.

Dufresne & Hornigold were both self-righteous hypocritical assholes.

Poor Billy was consumed by hate and it was very hard to watch him descend to the depths he did.

Blackbeard’s death was gruesome and while I like gruesome stuff, I wish it had been someone that nobody cared about. It took the “fun” out of it seeing the effect it had on Jack & Anne.

Jack Rackham is the best out of all of them. I love Anne. Max made her way and good for her.

Vane, oh Capt Vane, you would have been better off if you could have let her go. The fight with his old slave master was brutal and cathartic.

Flynt & Silver should were so great together.

Finding out Mr. Scott was a King. Fantastic!

re: Rackham\Vane using slave labor to rebuild the fort. I think Rackhams’ & Vane’s issues could have been solved if they’d just paid and freed the slaves after the job was done; at least it would have been better than just keeping them slaves forever.

It was very interesting to see Flynt fight and rail against the very thing he’d been fighting for before Mrs. Barlow’s death. To see him acknowledge that fact and still be able to rationalize he was doing the right thing now.

I enjoyed the parallels of Silver’s relationship with Madi and his relationship with Flynt.

Flynt finally happy by the end is nice too.

Listen, I’m sorry I don’t have better words to express how much I loved this show. Just know that I did.

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Only commenting on a couple things right now since I’m just about to finish Season 2.

This is so true. Everyone’s motivations were true to them, their experiences, and they all, for the most part, sat in that and owned it. And I could always say, I see why they are making that choice.

Dufresne was is one fight, barely killing one person, and all of a sudden he’s super pirate! Ugh, what an ass!

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@BunnyCarlos mentioned she felt the same as we do; I thought she was only talking about the pirates and was intrigued but skeptical. Turns out she was right for pirates and “civilians”.

@TrixR4Kids this is a rewatch for you right?


And I was right proud of him when he bit-out another man’s throat, it just didn’t last long. He became the ultimate asshole for me when he took the pardon and started hunting his former brethren. His head crushing end was very satisfying.

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Yes, This is my third or fourth rewatch! I’m just one of those people who vaguely remembers bits and pieces from things I watch. Once I finish something, I flush it out of my brain to make space for other stuff. Unless it’s Degrassi, but that’s probably because I’ve watched all 10,000 episodes 50-11 times.

I’m on episode 10 of Season 3.

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Billy Bones really did lose his damn mind at the end there!

I swear, I cry every single time during Flint’s last scene.

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Yep. It’s disturbing to know how he started and see how he ended.