Cats Or Dogs?

Are you a cat person, a dog person, both or neither?
  • Kitties - they’re so funny & cute
  • Good bois or girls - doggos rule
  • Both - I refuse to choose!
  • Neither - I love a different species (tell which us below)
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Kats definitely. They are independent and you don’t have to worry about going out in -32 weather to pick up dog crap. When a cat cuddles, the purr is so relaxing.


Always had dogs growing up. Definitely love the dogs! :heart:


My Head of Household is a butterfly tabby named Catpucinno. What he meows, goes.


I want pictures, please!

Dogs for me. I have only been around cats a few times, and though I like most of the ones I’ve met, my mother claimed to have a severe allergy to cats, and so I was never around cats as a kid, or teen. So, cats are kind of a mystery to me.

I vote for both, but only because I had the pleasure of a GREAT cat. It would be an insult to Carl’s memory to say just dogs because several other jerk-ass cats pull the average down.

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Although I prefer cats as a species, I voted both because Cosmo’s made such a profound impact on my life, coming from a cat family I didn’t know what having a dog would be like. Both are great.

But yes having to go out in the elements with your dog in the middle of the night is no fun- @Mrs.addisonDeWitt has the right idea.


They are both awesome, but dogs will always be my favorite pets - a dog is just a special wonderful companion. Dogs are awesome to have around.


I have had dogs since I was little, so obviously, dogs! But I don’t mind cats. Even had one long, long, long ago when I was very little. Named Ben.

So, mainly dogs, but okay with cats.