The Young And The Restless

Your post makes me want to catch up to see if Claire is going to be a one note story arc and done or if she is going to be a good addition as a “grey” character. The way Mariah was introduced has made me meh on her ever since and I think they have wasted the actress terribly, story wise ever since.
Also, (insert clichè I have popcorn ready remark) I am here for some scorched earth hijinx between Lily and Daniel.

eta mention for clarity, I thought I was replying to that post


I actually don’t mind Claire and so far I am enjoying seeing her and Victoria interacting.

I watched today’s Canadian. Bitchy Ashley insulting Jack for calling Sharon made me laugh. Really, Sharon? You’re ex-wife? The barista?

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I find it ridiculous that everyone calls Sharon whenever someone has a mental crisis. Billy called her when Chelsea tried to kill herself. Come on! Chelsea and Adam call her whenever Conner has a problem. Now Jack is calling her to help Ashley. I know she went and got her degree but she’s not a licensed anything (not that I know of) and she never says anything all that profound.
Bring on Nikki and Victors anniversary party. Is Aunt Jordan going to slip by in that weird disguise? Maybe she will wear the disguise and get a job as a waiter.


I did love how bitchy!Ashley mocked Jack for calling Sharon.

Really? Sharon? Your ex-wife, the barista? She’s not even a practicing therapist.

I mean, I actually like Sharon for the most part, but even I snickered, heh.


I am behind on my viewing. I can’t seem to get through the speeches from the anniversary episode.

Every time someone gets up to tongue bathe Victor and Nikki I find something else to watch, heh.


That’s what fast forward is for. I ff Chelsea, Heather/Daniel, Claire/Victoria.

I have also ff’d all of Jordan. I don’t care at all sbout that plot.

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Lol. True.

Do you have any show left to watch with all that FF’ing?


I watch the rest. I like the Connor kid and wish they hadn’t gone down this path. I like the interactions between Connor/Adam/Billy/Sally and then Chelsea has to show up and ruin everything, like a raisin.


I came back after years to see the Jordan/Claire stuff play out. It was entertaining at first but the whack-a-mole with Jordan is close to driving me away again.

I had to stop the recording halfway thru the anniversary party. If I get really bored tomorrow I might try to watch the Billy scenes.

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I finally finished the anniversary party but had no gas left to watch Friday’s Canadian episode.

It doesn’t help that I am getting sick again. Third cold/flu in a row. I’ve been sick literally a month now and I am super over it.


This can’t be said enough times, but Summer seriously needs to shut the fuck up.



@tessaray Do you like Billy? This version? Because I thought I was alone in liking this version.

@jewel I feel for you being sick for an extended period. One son has three girls, another one has a boy and girl and they have all been sick with one thing after another since the beginning of March. Our whole family is give out with it. The poor little 10month old finished a round of antibiotics last Monday for an illness (just a cold) that ended with an ear infection and then through the week he developed a lingering cough. He looked, to me, throughout the week to be moving towards bronchitis with just a paleness coupled with lethargy. She took him to dr Friday when it moved to the barking stage and they treated him at the office for croup. It was immediate relief for him. So far, knock wood, all the others are all better from all this. One thing after another has been the routine.


I’d say more neutral-ish. He occasionally gives a decent performance and I’ve gotten used to him and no longer automatically see Patrick Drake when I tune in but Billy Miller… could anyone really replace him?

However, I didn’t realize the character had DID in the past, so it was more curiosity this last week. I do think he has better chemistry with Jack and Ashley than I remembered the last time I dropped in a few years ago.


Harrison is not her son and she is not even his stepmom anymore. I hope they revisit his bio mom sometime in the near future.


Honestly, Summer is seriously annoying me. Bitching and lashing out at everyone, including Kyle (Harrison’s actual father) while automatically assuming it’s Claire behind the kidnapping is pissing me off.

The actress is doing a good job but the character is just tedious.

And I wish she would just calm down for a second rather than making one assumption after another all based on nothing.

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@jewel21 You weren’t kidding about Audra ugly sleeping! It was kind of surreal.

I am beyond sick of the Connor plot.

Hoping Diane stirs up shenanigans with SmilingJack and his sidekick Nikki. Seriously Jack? I wanted to smack him when he told Diane she didn’t have to feel insecure about Nikki!
Hey Bub!! She isn’t insecure she is sick of Nikki being Nikki! Gah, I hope Diane takes over Jabot and finds a hot guy to marry after she dumps Jack.

I like shorter bouffant on Kyle and the slight 5 o’clock shadow. It makes him look less smarmy and smug.


Okay so my first thought was that it was Michael Baldwin in the man disguise. I still think Michael every time I first glimpse Jordan as a man. Bleck please let this plot die.

Please ptb, put Lily and Billy back together.

I am very enamored with Tucker and his tortured soul mixed with his bursts of happy moments.


I’m hoping the ugly sleeping face from Audra was just the actress having fun because if not, that is just unfortunate. And I say this as someone who probably makes the same faces while sleeping, lol.

And everything about Summer is annoying, lol.


I liked Tucker until JG turned him into a self-pitying lounge lizard…


They’ve totally ruined the Tucker character, I agree.

So I hated that Ruby ring that Victor gave Nikki. I thought it was quite fugly and I’m not the biggest fan of rubies in general.

I liked Nikki’s dress at the party but the makeup was a bit too heavy. I find she is looking really good makeup and hair-wise after the party, though.

And I know some people dislike Claire, but I actually like her and her relationship with Victoria. It’s been nice seeing Queen Victoria “Ice Princess Extraordinaire” have a softer side to her.