Baby Reindeer

My cousin mentioned something to me about how she was denying what happened. I had no idea she had done an actual interview.

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Just watched that. Why didn’t Piers (the 18 year journalist) do some research of all those public records he kept alluding to. So frustrating.

Piers alluded to this on Twitter. Basically, it is well-known that Martha is mentally ill. Piers was gentle with her on purpose and did not call her out when she contradicted herself or lied, as to not antagonize her. Sadly she is a person in a not ideal health condition and he took that into account while conducting the interview.

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I think knowing she was mentally ill, he shouldn’t have even had her on his show.

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Ok. Fair enough.

Yeah. This too.

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Piers will be lucky if she doesnt start stalking him.
I dint know how I feel about him interviewing her if she is mentally ill. I guess she has the right to tell her side of the story. I think everyone in Baby Reindeer had mental issues. There is probably truth in the story but he may have exaggerated.
Years ago Dr Phil got a lot of criticism for interviewing mentally ill Shelly Duvall.


I thought close to the same thing.

Mental and emotional.

If he did, I think it would’ve been unintentional. When you’re under attack, even the smallest thing can be monumental.

I had read an article about how he had changed her information and how no one was going to be able to figure out who his stalker is. Then he implored fans not to go looking for her. But look at how quickly people found out who Martha was. How well did he actual change facts and stuff? The whole thing sounds like a mess.

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I guess they looked for public officials.that were stalked since she was in the newspapers for it and went to jail. I dont think its that hard to do if you have time on your hands.