The series centers on inner workings of the New York City field office criminal division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), bringing to bear all their talents, intellect, and technical expertise on major cases in order to keep New York and the country safe.

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I’m a big fan of the 3 FBI shows - they consistently deliver solid, entertaining stories. FBI original has a great cast, I love all of the characters and they work together well and have strong chemistry - very enjoyable to watch

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I watch this one, but not the others (nothing against them, just haven’t watched). I do like Maggie. A lot of people don’t seem to like her as much, but I do.

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All good. Not every viewer likes every iteration of a franchise. :sunglasses:

I like Maggie a lot, I think she’s a strong female lead. I like all of the characters on this show a lot, even including the background analysts who work with Jubal at headquarters.

I’m not sure whether this or MW is my favorite of the FBI shows - I like the cases on MW a lot but the characters on original FBI really click well together. Both are great. I like International pretty good but it’s the weakest FBI show IMO.


All 3 FBI shows were renewed today, and original FBI got a 3 season renewal!!


Wow, good for all of them, but especially the original!

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3 good episodes of the FBI franchise last night - they are on a roll of good episodes.

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It must be, since it has been renewed for three seasons! :sunglasses:

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Rick Eid to step down as FBI show runner after six seasons to focus on Law & Order. He will remain as an EP on FBI.

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Really strong season finale tonight for original FBI, intense episode and good conclusion to the season long storyline.
This is a consistently solid show with a great cast - look forward to season 7.

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Time flies. Cannot believe it will be going into its seventh season!

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7?! Already? Wow, time does fly, indeed.


The FBI shows will return on Tuesday October 15, CBS announced that this week. I look forward to them, they are consistently solid entertainment with good characters.

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Same, but late start! I wonder why?

Good season premiere and nice to have FBI back. Disappointed to see Tiffany leave but her exit made sense. Nice to see all of the other characters back - Maggie and Isobel were particularly good tonight, and I always like Jubal and his room of agents. Solid case - I wonder if the issues with the CIA will pop back up over the course of the season.


Finally watched as well. I am sorry to see Tiffany go, but such is the way with these kind of shows. She was one of my faves but I still have Maggie, OA and Skola. :stuck_out_tongue: (I actually like the whole cast).


I like the whole cast of FBI as well, all of the characters are likable and enjoyable to watch. Hopefully Tiffany’s replacement will fit in well. This show is consistently solid - I think the whole FBI franchise is pretty consistently solid entertainment, I think Most Wanted is my favorite because I like the dark and twisted cases they have, but original FBI is really good as well - I like International pretty good but at times it’s too much like a spy drama than a crime show and I’m not sold on the new lead agent.


Tonight’s episode was pretty good - good case and investigation/manhunt. I did think it was a bit odd that the prison didn’t immediately notice the escape, but maybe since a prison employee helped them break out she covered it up enough to buy them time. I liked how they pieced it together.

I see they are continuing the plot about the conflict with the CIA from episode 1. Having a new partner for Scola for just 1 episode was odd and I wasn’t sure why she left before even getting a chance to settle in. I already have a sketchy feeling about OA’s army buddy.


Good episode again tonight - I liked the twist that Junior was the mastermind of the bombings and the dad wasn’t directly involved. I saw it coming that the brother would take matters into his own hands at the end, that was predictable, and it was tragic that he threw his life away by killing a guy who wasn’t even directly involved with his brother’s death.

I liked seeing both Jubal and Isobel do interrogations. And I think this is far from the last time we’ve seen OA’s pal Clay, I predict he’ll cause another issue for OA down the line now that he’s an informant but doesn’t seem to take it seriously.

I wonder when Scola’s new permanent partner joins?