Here’s where to talk all things. The Good Doctor.
“Who At Peace” was a rough watch and not at all what I was expecting.
Spoilers ahead, but I’ll tag the biggest one.
I wasn’t expecting Asher to die. In the beginning of the show he really irritated me because he always seemed so sanctimonious to me, and he returned to that tonight, so I should’ve figured.
I just don’t understand why no one else sees how disruptive Charlie is. Do I agree that she should be 100% quiet all of the time like Shaun seems to want? No. But the way she behaved in the ER was unacceptable. A young girl was dying on the table and she just wanted to “explain” her mistake away. The other Drs. Should see it, too. I know they have a bit more patience, but that last example could have killed that girl.
Other stuff- sleep training a baby that young, I thought, was no longer a thing. We went through that with our granddaughter. They did end up sleep training her but she was a bit older.
At first I thought Glassman was kind of messing with Dr. Lim, but he actually seems to be enjoying his time with her mom.
The Overview Effect: Season 7, Episode 8.
Things I didn’t understand. First, Shaun and Leia arguing about Steve. I can see Shaun insisting due to his trauma and Leia resisting as she didn’t want Steve labelled so early. I am surprised that neither offered a compromise of sorts. Either a) wait 1 year till Steve is a bit older for the assessment or b) go to a couple’s therapist to discuss the issue. Second, Shaun’s case of the week. I didn’t understand how and why the parents put such an importance on the deceased brother that the child had to keep the 3rd arm “in memory”.
Park and Razenick were hilarious with the proposals. I am liking Charlie and Shaun . I wonder if Shaun resented the fact that Charlie had a more positive upbringing with her parents being more supportive for her ASD?
I don’t like where the whole Glassman and Hannah storyline is going.
S07 E09 · Unconditional
Nice to see Claire Brown again! And the fact that she and Jared got together at the end. I am not sure why they hinted at pairing him with Jordan. They didn’t have chemistry.
Glad they cleaned up the story about Hannah. Poor Glassman! Terminal now Why did you have to do that to me show ???
And Claire. Again why did you have to do that to me show???