TV Shows That Bypassed You - When Did That Happen?

Do it! One of the funny things is that I had to go to the Wayback Machine to see TWoP’s discussion of the first season and I saw your posts there saying you were going to watch. Lol.


@BunnyCarlos, your enthusiasm has sucked me in. I’ll start Black Sails when I finish Discovery ( 2 seasons left to go). Hopefully, you’ll still wanna talk about then. heh


Oh I will. Make a forum for it and I will talk. I plan to watch it again in June with the hubby and son.


Let us know when so that we can watch at the same time!

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Will do! It shouldn’t be too long.

@BunnyCarlos & @TrixR4Kids, I should be finished with Discovery by tomorrow.

Let’s say we start on Saturday, yeah?



So I just finished watching all three seasons of Deadwind and I really enjoyed it. The acting and storyline were great and the two leads were both attractive and engaging. I’m kind of bummed it’s over. I would have loved another season or two. Has anyone else seen it?

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I’ve never heard of it.

It’s good. It’s on Netflix. It’s a detective show set in Finland. I am a bit addicted to these Nordic noir detective shows these days. A cop show set in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland? Sign me up, heh.

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