Chicago Fire

The lives of firefighters and paramedics working for the City of Chicago Fire Department at Fire Station 51, made up of Truck 81, Squadron 3, Ambulance 61, and Battalion 25.

Trudy taking down Mouch’s stalker waseverything!

Way to go, Trudy!

Okay, this was probably one of my favourite episodes in years? And I’m not even a Severide fan but this was riveting. I like these bottleneck episodes that focus on one character in peril. The actor did a great job carrying the majority of the show and did wonderful in his action scenes. Bravo.

After last week’s episode this was really kind of a let down. Having half the cast missing most likely due to Network budget cuts didn’t help matters.

Also, I don’t really care about Chloe and Cruz. Chloe has sort of been a non character for years so suddenly to have her and Joe having marriage problems doesn’t really leave me feeling affected in any which way. I just sort of don’t care. Stay together, break up, meh.

Boden has never been a favourite of mine. I know he’s supposed to be the heart of the show, but I was never invested in his character, so I don’t mind him being promoted and not being around all the time.

I felt for Carver this episode and totally got his freak-out. I kind of hope he and Violet can works things out.

I can’t see Herman in Boden’s position because Herman is such a hot-head but I guess we’ll see how it goes. I just don’t see him being able to control his emotions enough to prevail as Battalion Chief.

So the new guy is Severide’s brother? I was thinking son at one point. Wow, Benny really got around didn’t he? How many more secret siblings does Severide have hiding around Chicago?

Overall it was a decent season finale.

The premier was fine.

While I was never the biggest fan of Boden, it did feel weird not having him on the show.

I don’t really care about Carver and his new love interest.