The series follows members of the FBI’s international “Fly Team”, elite Special Agents headquartered in Budapest who locate and neutralize threats against American interests around the world principally in Europe. The team is led by FBI Supervisory Special Agent Scott Forrester, a tough and grizzled FBI agent.
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Luke Kleintank is out as show lead.
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It will be interesting to see who the new lead on this show is - Forrester grew on me a lot since the start, I’ll miss him, I hope the new lead is strong, this show has been good this season but it’s my least favorite of the FBIs.
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Former Chicago Med actor lands a role on the show.
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Episode 2 was way too heavy on action hero Wes - they had 3 separate fight scenes of Wes vs bad guys! I feel like they are going overboard on shoving Wes down our throats and showing us how awesome he is in the first 2 episodes, something about him just isn’t clicking with me yet.
It was nice to see Tank the dog again
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Good episode tonight - Wes is growing on me a lot, and the case and investigation was good