Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage

“This is the third television series in The Big Bang Theory franchise and a direct sequel to and spin-off of the coming-of-age sitcom Young Sheldon. The series focuses on the marriage of young parents Georgie Cooper (Montana Jordan) and Mandy McAllister (Emily Osment).”

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Did anyone watch the first episode?
Things I didn’t like:
-the opening credit scene. It was cheesy but in a cringe way not a cute way.
-laugh track
-Rachel Bay Jones (she grates on my nerves ever since I’ve seen her in the Good Doctor.)

Things I did like:
-Seeing Mary and Connie
-Will Sasso
-The two leads - Montana and Emily.

Overall, I’ll try it for a few episodes to see if it gets better. I wish that they would have just had them living with Mary instead of Mandy’s parents.

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Yes, I watched yesterday.

I didn’t like the opening tango thing either, it was very strange.

I did enjoy seeing Mary and Meemaw. I also loved Georgie mentioning his dad and hugging his father-in-law.

The laugh track was super annoying. Such a different tone than Young Sheldon or even TBBT.

I think I will be turning in again and I am surprised considering how on the fence I was about this show from the beginning.

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I found the second episode a bit stronger than the pilot.

It was bittersweet seeing Georgie visit his father’s grave. I liked his ‘talks’ with George. But I am still heartbroken George is dead. And if I did my math right, he was only 42 when he died? How tragic.

It was nice seeing Missy again but I hate that she is spiraling. I did like Georgie bringing her to the grave site, though.

And poor Georgie, thinking he is having a heart attack and driving himself to the hospital. I’m glad it was just a panic attack and nothing more serious. He needs to start looking after himself. The make -up people did a great job making him look sick. I was starting to fear he really was having a heart attack.

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I still don’t like the mom and the brother who is just a replacement for Sheldon. Will Sasso is a great actor.
I just don’t get why Chuck didn’t have them living with Mary and Missy. It would make more sense.
Georgie thinking he had a heart attack was great storyline. I want to see him develop into the Tire Whisper.

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Yeah, I wish they were living with Mary, too. Will Sasso is fine but I would rather see the Coopers on a regular basis rather than the in-laws.

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The latest episode wasn’t bad.

It was nice to see the parents getting along and playing ‘Twenty Questions.’ I love how they got so invested in the game, lol.

I thought it was hilarious that Mandy’s friend’s son went to school with Georgie. And Georgie being a responsible teen made me like him all the more.

Also, Georgie reminding the son that older girls are the way to go when he asked about Missy made me laugh.