@WendyCR72, I’m sorry to hear about your Daddy. Ella will help with your loss.
Ella is definitely helping. Thank you, @BugsyB .
Had to buy a new filter for my tank recently as the old one started leaking and got a bunch of water in the floor - new one is operating well, should’ve replaced the old one sooner as it was all out of sorts and algae ridden. Anyway the new one is working good and the tank is very nice.
I met this eight week old baby at Tractor Supply yesterday. The couple who had her raises them to be turned over for guide dog training. They just surrendered the golden retriever they had for the last couple years.
This puppy was SO good. She’s going to be a great service dog.
Took the wreath of the front door to put a new bow on it. Cut old bow off, went to trash can, came back to this…
Beautiful black cat!
PeeWee got a haircut and bath yesterday. He’s relaxing on the couch in front of the Christmas tree here.
Luna’s good looks are BY FAR the best thing she has going for her.
She is one mean and destructive little girl.
PeeWee is looking quite dapper for Christmas, @Xeliou66 !
Yes PeeWee is looking sharp. He’s gotten all of his energy back since his surgery as well, he was tossing his rope around the place earlier, happy as he could be. Wore himself out so he’s sleeping by the door now. I’m very glad he’s doing well and has recovered great from his ACL injury
A cute-looking bunch you have there, @scarlett45 ! It looks like they had a wonderful Christmas. I hope you did, too!
PeeWee started hobbling again a couple of days before Christmas, so I took him to the vet on the 23rd, they gave him some meds to take with his meals each day and he’s been walking better since then, but there’s still a small limp. Not sure if he reaggravated what he had surgery on or if he did something to his other leg, but he goes for x-rays in a couple of weeks and they’re going to x-ray all legs and see what it shows. PeeWee also had some stomach issues last week, I think he ate something that didn’t sit right. PeeWee is 13 now but still has the energy of a younger dog and it’s hard to get him to calm down at times, but he needs to rest more given his recent surgery and his age. He’s resting here in this pic.
Hoping PeeWee makes a complete recovery, @Xeliou66 .
Aww. I know it’s hard because they can’t tell us what’s wrong but I hope he’s not suffering too much. Such a sweet boy.
Thanks for the well wishes for PeeWee. He is moving okay now, just has a slight limp. We’ll see what the x-rays show. His stomach issues have cleared up and he’s back to normal there. He just needs to stay calmer now which is hard for a playful pup like PeeWee. I just worry about him because he’s an older guy now, he’s truly the best dog you could ask for - very friendly and sweet natured and very playful. Can’t imagine life without him, hope he has many more years.
I hope PeeWee is doing okay.
Happy belated New Year, everyone.
PeeWee is doing pretty good. Still has a bit of a hobble but is moving okay overall and is in good spirits. He goes to the vet this Wednesday for x-rays so we’ll see how those come back. Here’s PeeWee chewing on his bone.
Good news - PeeWee has been cleared by the vet to resume normal activity, he’s healed from his surgery, and he’s taking some medication to help with his mobility as his other leg has something a little out of place but it can be managed with meds, and he’s moving normally. It’s great that he’s himself again.
Unfortunately the vet found bladder stones in PeeWee, so he’ll have to switch his food to something that can dissolve the stones, he’s having no affects from it now and hopefully the stones will dissolve without issue, but I’m not sure how he’ll do with the food change, hopefully fine.
I’ll keep everyone posted on PeeWee, I appreciate all of the support from everyone here, It’s great to see him moving well again and completely healed from surgery.